I’m sure you know by now that I’m a serial returner of items…I buy lots in the name of research and then return them. It means that some weeks, I feel like I’m never out of the shops and this week was one like that.
I bought this fur coat back a few weeks ago for £89 and dithered over it for ages, finally deciding at the weekend that I wanted to keep it. But then I saw online that it was reduced to £53. It totally took the shine off it I have to say so I brought it back today to see if there was any chance of re-buying it at the lower price (which Boden are very good about….just saying!). The staff were lovely at the returns desk but I was told I wasn’t allowed re-buy it until it was back out on the shop floor. So I hung around for about an hour but I must have missed it going back out as the next time I checked, the manager told me it wasn’t in the returns area any more. My friend and I went round in circles to see if we could find it but to no avail. So I’m huffing. If anyone sees this in a 10 in your local store – PLESE let me know!
I should also mention that at the same time as returning the coat, I returned the second pair of these M&S boots that I picked up in both colours a few weeks back. I returned the burgundy a week or so ago and the black went back today. I came to the conclusion that they finished at the wrong part of my ankle. I’m not long in the leg and these seemed to shorten it even more. Such a shame as they are gorgeous boots and really well priced.
Ok so the disappointment of the returns over me, I went on a quick prowl about M&S and the big Next beside it….here’s what caught my eye in M&S first and it’s yet another coat…this blue one is calling me every time I got in (the photo is from a while back…I just keep trying it on!). It’s a beautiful shape and this warmer shade of blue is really good on my colouring. I’d love to try the 12 in it though as the 10 is just a bit neat.
Wool Blend Car Coat in Smokey Blue
Saw this coat again and have been admiring it on Anne’s blog recently. I tried it on a while back…
Not in the sale sadly – The Oversized Textured Cocoon Coat in Apricot
Skirts next – and I’m on the hunt for a pleated skirt right now – this was a contender but I wasn’t sure if it would be practical enough for the school run. Gorgeous colour in on-trend lace..
This geo-print top stood out for me too – it would look great dressed up or down. LOVE the combination of the light blue with black and cream. Makes it very wearable on lots of skin tones. Sadly can’t find it online.
Then I nipped into Next where I found the most amazing down coat for £110. Honestly, this is gorgeous. It snuggles right up around your neck and is a great weight and most importantly, is filled with real down so will keep you super warm. It doesn’t have a hood but these coats aren’t meant for wet weather anyway – it would look fab with a wooly hat for a cosy school run.
Long Down Jacket – in Black & Khaki – £110
Check out my School Gate Style running gear – lol. Oh and does anyone else find the lighting is a bit rubbish in Next – I always struggle to see things properly in the mirror.
I was tempted to try on these jeans – can anyone tell me if they are any good? My back is sore today though and I just couldn’t face untying/tying trainers etc. but I am going to try them the next time I’m in store.
Enhancer Jeans – £30
This navy fur coat appealed (it’s definitely Navy – not black!) and I’d have bought it if it had been a buttoned coat..wasn’t so keen on the zip but it’s the first navy fur coat I’ve seen in the high street so far. There should be more..navy fur rocks!
Wavy Faux Fur Jacket
Last coat now – I promise!! This orange boucle coat was lovely quality and a great on-trend shape
Orange Boucle Coat
Finally two pairs of shoes that caught my eye in Next – these brogues are stunning
Contrast Cleated Lace Up Brogue
and I’m always a sucker for a sparkly flat. These are so subtle yet gorgeous. Perfect for daytime/office wear as well as for going out (for those of us with bad backs especially who can’t wear heels!)
Glitter Point Shoes – (also available in gold)
Did I buy? Well….yes and would you believe it – not a coat! I finally found a pleated skirt that I think will work for me. Let me play about with it at home and sure even if I end up retuning it…sure it’s an excuse to do some more window shopping
Love reading your blog. I agree with you that there should be more navy fur available as it is a welcome change from black. I am looking for a navy fur gilet and any suggestions would be welcome.
I love these trying on sessions posts – they are so useful. And that smokey blue coat – I’ve been round the houses trying to track that one down for some time and I can’t find it in my size either. Loads of size 12′s hanging around but no 8′s. Boo!
And I’m glad I’m not the only serial returner around. I’m in great company.
Sue recently posted Can You Pinch More Than an Inch?
Oh no on the M&S fur coat! I loved it on you! Will keep an eye out in case I spy one. Excited to see your pleated skirt! Xx
I love the Next navy fur coat and navy sparkly flats! I’m really loving navy at the moment and definitely want to get myself a pair of ankle or shoe boots. Let me know how you get on with the jeans as I’m on the lookout for a few perfect pairs as I’m not happy with my current ones! xxx
Just Emma
Emma Everleigh recently posted Wish List: The AW14 Wardrobe | Fashion
Such a shame about the fur coat Avril, sometimes things are not meant to be..think we both may end up fur coat-less this year! Loving the Next navy one though, and those sparkly shoes are gorge! Hope the pleated skirt is a hit! Xxx
Schoolrunstyle recently posted Check Mate
Such a shame re the coat, it’s a great colour on you, hope you manage to track one down! Love the sparkly shoes, the colour and that they are quite subtle, am going to check them out!
A x
I am keeping my fingers crossed that someone comes up trumps with the M&S fur coat for you…..it looks amazing on you! The Next blue coat also looks great on you…..how could you resist!! Some fab stuff in Next, love those sparkly shoes xx
MyFashionable40s recently posted The elusive fur gilet……..
Love the smoky blue car coat on you Avril!
Haha! I’m a serial returner too! I’d love to know the psychology behind it. Probably something to do with getting a shopping fix without ultimately spending any money?! I’m also big on things being comfy, which I often don’t know till I try them at home. Oh – and I’m a BIG fan of Next jeans x
Katy Hill recently posted This Morning!
I love the navy fur coat, I’ll have to look for it next time I’m in the store
Sarah @ Fortytherapy recently posted NOTD Nails Inc ~ Belgrave Place
Now that was a very informative and useful runaround! I have also tried on the apricot coat in M&S. It’s really lovely, but I just can’t justify it at the moment. The orange boucle in Next is also lovely and I really, really like those shiny brogues. I think I’d better stay away from Dundrum for a while

The Flaky Fashionista recently posted Wednesday Wish
Want that navy coat and the glittler shoes now Avril, cheers for that girl! x
Style At Every Age recently posted Steal Her Style – Olivia Palermo At PFW
I always enjoy you shopping round up posts, I’ll be checking out those Next jeans and I love the sparkly next shoes too.
Thanks for the lovely mention Avril….got a fright there and thought the coat was on sale!! I have only worn it once with the weather being so good:) Pity about the fur coat , will keep a look out down here:)
~Anne xx
hi there’s a coat almost exactly like the top one in New Look !
oh such a shame about the coat, hope you find another one! On the subject of returning things……. I always ‘try’ to stick to if in doubt don’t buy! But of course in reality this never works! xx
This made me laugh. I’m terrible for returning almost everything I buy too. Love the Orange boucle coat. Stunning! Lynne x
Dorothy Camper recently posted Exciting news!
I was in Next yesterday and saw the orange boucle coat. I was disappointed as I didn’t think it was as nice as it looked online or in ads. I really like the M&S Apricot coat though, but it’s sold out online