Belfast-based, clothes-loving, shopping-obsessed, mum of 3. Wearable fashion on a budget for busy women

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Knickers, Sheep and Kua 'Aina

Being based in Belfast, where everyone knows everyone and the blogger-sphere is lots smaller, there's quite a bit of, let's call it 'off-piste' stuff that comes my way. Stuff which doesn't always warrant a full blog post of its own. So today I bring you some of what I've been getting up to in recent weeks and days....

First up - knickers and bras with the opening of Theo Paphitis' new Boux (pronounced 'boo') Avenue store in Belfast.
Now this blog is an underwear free zone (thank goodness you all declare!) but I always make sure I'm measured regularly and wear the right size bra. It's important to support what you have if you're more blessed but it's just as important to make the most of a smaller bust too. So as I'd not been measured for over a year, my main motivation for coming along to the store opening was to take advantage of the gorgeous measuring/changing rooms...

closely followed by getting a selfie with the Dragon himself.
But surprisingly, I found myself really enjoying a look around the store. It's beautifully fitted out...
and there's much more to see than underwear (swimwear, nightwear, cosmetics and candles, etc).
After securing my selfie, it was into the luxurious fitting room (with dimmed lights) for my fitting where I was pleased to find out I was actually already wearing the right size bra.

But I still decided to treat myself to an Ultra Boost bra and some matching briefs as I loved the fit of this 2 sizes bigger bra (which really does do what it says on the tin, in case you're wondering!) Luckily, I managed to get through the till before the official opening and the bedlam that followed. I had no idea how popular this shop is - it was instantly filled with women (and a few brave men).
Moving onto the randomness that is sheep and I was fortunate earlier this month to be sent some gorgeous pieces from Ulster Weavers latest kitchen range. Ulster Weavers are a great local success story, a company that's been on the go since 1880 and has a Royal warrant, supplying kitchen textiles to Queen Elizabeth II for over 20 years. They're a family owned company that has adapted for the modern market perfectly - great to see and proof it can be done.
The team there had noticed that my new kitchen has the exact same colour scheme as their Dotty Sheep range so they sent me a tea towel:
apron, oven gloves
and a fab teapot and cup set.
It looks amazing in the kitchen - I've already bought some more of the tea towels as I've struggled to match the yellow up until now.
It's worth checking out the new Ulster Weavers ranges for SS16. There are some gorgeous new designs that will give your kitchen a little summer boost of colour, including an amazing collaboration with Designers Guild.

Finishing this post with Kua 'Aina - the new Hawaiian inspired restaurant that's just opened in Belfast's Victoria Square.
It's a European off-shoot of the original Kua 'Aina restaurant in Hawaii, which was brought to London by a couple of Northern Ireland locals. They have chosen Belfast as the base for their third outlet and that alone warrants a visit as typically, NI is usually last in the pecking order for global restaurant chains.

The restaurant is on the 2nd floor of Victoria Square and is nicely fitted out - lots of hawaiian themed stuff going on. There is a good kids' menu that doesn't cost the earth and the adult options are based around a range of delicious burgers (meat/fish/chicken/veggie) with all the proteins cooked on a lava grill. I opted for a bun-less Teryaki chicken and pineapple with salad - and a large side of sweet potato fries and a couple of cocktails....kind of healthy??! It's all about balance :)
It's a good option for kids as it's noisy and relaxed and there is colouring in provided immediately on arrival. Service was fantastic - a bit of a wait for the mains but that was more because the place was so busy rather than any fault of the staff who were incredibly attentive at all times and engaged nicely with the kids.

But the best bit? A night off from cooking. Plus there might have been a sneaky bit of retail therapy afterwards. Well, it was late night shopping....would have been rude not to take advantage :)

Normal service resumes with my next post - hope you enjoyed this off piste action!




  1. Being from Belfast it's great to read about some new places locally!

    1. Aw that's lovely to hear Lesley - glad you enjoyed it. Ax

  2. Seems a nice event :)
    Maria V.

    1. Thanks - it's lovely to get out for a few wee occasions now and again! Ax

  3. Oh I love your Orla Kiely! I'm looking for some nice little cups and saucers for when I pretend to be civilised. Love the sheep. ��

    1. Thanks Gill - the OK tins were a lovely house warming present from my sister in law...and funnily enough, my own sister bought me a matching storage jar. Great minds, eh?! Ax
      PS I'm not civilised at all - just pretending too :)


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