First things first, if you ever organise a clothes swap and want to record it for posterity, appoint one of your guests to be the official photographer. Several times, I went to find my camera and every time, I got top up drinks, help with styling, tidy up the empties, etc, etc. I didn't get a single drink all night and before I knew it, people were leaving and it was 12.30am! are some photos from before the event kicked off, featuring about a third of the clothes as some of the girls had delivered in advance...
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Above, right: fab designer shoes - unworn!! To the right of the black shoes, you can just see the scarf that owner, Claire, kindly gifted to me at the end of the night - I'll feature it on a future blog.
So how did it work? Well, everyone arrived and hung up their clothes and had a browse of the swapping items and the items for sale. Then, I declared the swap open and gradually, people tried on and set aside the items they liked. The most fun part was when several people tried on the same items - it was amazing how 3 or 4 girls the same size all looked so different in the same item!
Not everyone took home the same amount of items as they brought but that was by choice - some of the girls just wanted to donate and not to take too much home with them. At the end of the night, we had a free-for-all and whatever was left of the swap stuff was open for the taking.
Some of the shoes available on the night....all unworn!!
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Tomorrow, I'll share with you one of the items I picked up on the night. Can't wait to wear it and take some photos! Now off to bed to catch up on some zzzzz's....night all!
Hi, i have never done this before. i am 45 and have 3 children, 2 grown up boys, and my little girl who is 9, and has Downs Syndrome, i am aslo quite chubby (16 to 18)and 5ft 4 tall. i have little time to get myself ready in the morning.Please help me find some style, when i wear jeans i just look scruffy and in trousers i look to done up! whats the answer? Any ideas?
ReplyDeleteYou have your hands full - thanks for getting in touch. I'm a big fan of dark navy jeans - no fading on them at all - they looks the best on all women in my opinion. The coloured ones are great too but stay with the darker colours or the blues - more flattering than pastel/neon. You're busy, so keep it simple - long cardigans, how about some Boden tunics over your jeans and get a couple of bright scarves in Primark or H&M. Hope this helps. Message me on [email protected] if you've any more questions. I'd be delighted to help x
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Wе will straightaway delve deep on the Blackberry
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